Taz spinning outa control

Friday, March 23, 2007

Home Sick

I have been doing so well lately with pushing forward with my California life. Then Wham!, I get a bunch of photos from my uncle and find myself overcome with missing where I spend my first 25 years. I haven't been back in 3 years and it might be time soon. I normally miss the people, and still do, but now I also miss the city itself.

the hills,

the paths we travelled on as kids,

the rivers and lakes we explored for fun,

the woods where we spent countless hours messing around, building make-shift log cabins, drinking anything alcoholic and basically removing ourselves from the adult world to find our own lives.

These days are gone I know, but the places are still there. I envy those that didn't have to move for their careers. I wonder if the feelings ever get strong enough to make them think of these things and return to those special places for some quiet time.

Where I once worked in my early teens filleting and packaging cod fish.

The real foggy city. St. John's, Newfoundland. I've had my fair share of fog. It can get so bad you can't drive at all. Serious. I remember not being able to see my hand in front of my face it gets that bad.

Icebergs! As if it wasn't cold enough. These can stick around until June time if they are large enough. Puts a bit of a damper on the summer temps.


  • wow--those icebergs are so amazing--i'd love to see those in person

    packing codfish?
    that explains a lot...

    By Blogger X Bunny, at 7:15 PM  

  • I wanna go!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:20 PM  

  • wow.

    you really are from another part of the world.

    i really would like to see it sometime.

    By Blogger PAB(a.k.a.CID), at 9:25 PM  

  • newfi!

    By Blogger Velo Bella, at 9:44 PM  

  • Road Trip! Too bad there isn't any bike races back there. Biking back home just means you either can't afford a car or lost your license. ;)

    By Blogger Taz, at 9:57 PM  

  • I think I see a penguin under that car over there

    By Blogger Velo Bella, at 9:48 AM  

  • pengi!

    By Blogger X Bunny, at 3:52 PM  

  • Let's go...and we can take our bikes. I've been there a couple times but not when you could see the ground. I liked it much better than Goose Bay though!

    By Blogger Lothar Glerbny, at 4:16 PM  

  • following links and found your 'old' post, and boy do I understand. I've been in San Francisco for over 12 years now but I do miss my Montreal. The way of life, the people, the family, the emphasis on just enjoyin' as opposed to stock options, you know? While I do love living here and it's brought me many opportunities, some days I just wish I was back, eating on a terrasse on St-Denis street. And I really miss having someone with the same frame of reference that I have, someone that will get the stupid childhood jokes, oh well, still looking for that.

    By Blogger Lyne, at 10:54 PM  

  • The air looks very clear there.
    Speaking of clear air, if you have any information regarding the surgery you can hit me at ron@ebcyclist.org.

    BTW: I did some reading and I think I just came down with a chronic case of nasal headaches. I am not even sure I can go to work it hurts so much.

    By Blogger Ron Castia, at 7:33 PM  

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