How dare this person!
If there was a computer and a carbon bike in the background then I would be officially made redundant. With all the people in this world, I bet there is someone so exactly like yourself that it would scare you silly. I get spooked when I see that some one's hand writing is indistinguishable from mine. What you might thing of as being original might not be at all.
If there was a computer and a carbon bike in the background then I would be officially made redundant. With all the people in this world, I bet there is someone so exactly like yourself that it would scare you silly. I get spooked when I see that some one's hand writing is indistinguishable from mine. What you might thing of as being original might not be at all.
It's true.
Almost EVERYTHING has been done before.
But you are definitely an original.
By PAB(a.k.a.CID), at 5:42 PM
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