Pretty Colors
Being a computer nerd and an pseudo-athlete I like to mix my worlds from time to time and churn out useless pieces of crap. Well, last week was one of them times. I finished the first draft of my somewhat colorful training schedule. Colors are used to identify effort levels, yellow for easy all the way to purple for ready to explode.
I am now 2 days into the program and it is actually refreshing to be back into something structured. The last few months have been ride when I feel like it, and I didn't really feel like it that much. :) Finally, my mind is fresh again and the thought of riding and training is giving me goose bumps. I am totally and utterly addicted to the freaking bike again and luv it. I know I need help so I am one step closer to being normal than you. ;)
Anyway, here is my colorful world.
2007 Training Program
username=guest passwd=guest for now...
I am now 2 days into the program and it is actually refreshing to be back into something structured. The last few months have been ride when I feel like it, and I didn't really feel like it that much. :) Finally, my mind is fresh again and the thought of riding and training is giving me goose bumps. I am totally and utterly addicted to the freaking bike again and luv it. I know I need help so I am one step closer to being normal than you. ;)
Anyway, here is my colorful world.
2007 Training Program
username=guest passwd=guest for now...
Off days?
PAB(a.k.a.CID), at 6:51 PM
what color is sex?
By, at 8:55 PM
i can't even try to follow that schedule without getting tired
my schedule is much simpler because me = pea brain
1. finishing school/boot camp (sprints)
2. arcane offerings (intervals)
3. sunday cross race
4. whatever i can come up with for a ride on a couple more days
5. lots of sanity maintenance days (rest) so that i have at least a little energy for
6. personal training sessions (sex)
X Bunny, at 9:21 PM
sex is in the UV color spectrum. You can't see it but it is all over the place, expectially during the Hawaii vacation week in December. ;)
Taz, at 1:10 PM
... that is such a great bit of wordsmithery.
expect ... as in, i expect to have sex.
especially ... as in, it should be especially good.
~ expectially
By, at 4:12 PM
I had no idea that you were a computer nerd!!!
Anonymous, at 7:15 AM
ask him sometime what he does for a living.....and if you understand what he tells you, let me know!
X Bunny, at 7:21 AM
Yeah, I stopped listening to my honey a long time ago when it had to do with his work.
Computer talk is completely foreign to me. I already have a hard time with English as it no more jargon for me ;-)
Anonymous, at 7:46 AM
How do you explain something like this that I wrote today? Funny how I can just churn this out like a raging river, but saying "Hi" sometimes can be difficult...
Especially if it is the first word of the day and the mounth and mind haven't done a sync yet.
forever begin
numRingWords = (frameLength + `BYTES_STACK_HEADER) / `BYTES_PER_SW; // + rfd
if((frameLength + `BYTES_STACK_HEADER) % `BYTES_PER_SW)
// figure out if we need to add delay before sending out next frame
if(!burstTraffic || (numFramesInBurst >= burstSize)) begin
numFramesInBurst = 0;
burstSize = $urandom_range(maxBurstSize,1);
expectedCycleCount = (1000 * (numBytesSent + numBytesDropped)) / myRateInMegaBits;
actualCycleCount = $time/PERIOD - startCycleCount;
//printf("expectedCycleCount = %0d, actualCycleCount = %0d\n", expectedCycleCount, actualCycleCount);
if(expectedCycleCount > actualCycleCount)
repeat(expectedCycleCount - actualCycleCount) #PERIOD;
else begin
// add a inter packet delay
repeat(interPacketDelay) #PERIOD;
end // else: !if(!myBurstTraffic || (numFramesInBurst >= burstSize))
Taz, at 12:14 PM
PAB(a.k.a.CID), at 1:58 PM
Funny, I thought you were an athletic nerd and a pseudo-computer user.
BTW: You should consider adding Jumping to Conclusions and Flying off the Handle to your workouts.
Do enough of these repeats and you will build the physical and mental ability to Run off at the Mouth for hours.
Ron Castia, at 8:23 PM
I know who the new web guy is going to be! How about geeking out the Safeway Blog?
Lothar Glerbny, at 8:33 PM
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